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Our approach involved splitting into five teams in order to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration from different areas of the city of Atlanta.

Cape Town City Center

Energy and Buildings

The Energy and Buildings Team was responsible for calculating the GHG emissions produced from residential and commercial buildings directly and indirectly from the use of energy according to the GHGP GPC BASIC Standard.


The Transportation Team was responsible for creating a strategy to account for Scope 1 and 2 transportation GHG emissions from areas like on-road, transit, rail, and aviation (from flights departing from Atlanta). 

Car Park
Image by Tejj

Water and Waste

The Water and Waste Team was responsible for quantifying the emissions associated with water and wastewater treatment and transport and solid waste disposal.

Tree Lined Path
Public Park

Green Spaces

The Green Spaces Team was responsible for assessing the various types of green spaces (e.g., parks, nature preserves, green roofs, etc.) in Atlanta, creating a green spaces greenhouse gas inventory, and making recommendations in accordance with the results of data analysis.

Glass of Milk


The Food Team was responsible for understanding the impact of food systems on greenhouse gas emissions within the City of Atlanta.

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